Smart waste collection

Experiments are taking place and research is being conducted all over Marineterrein: in the middle of the street, under water and in the buildings. All these tests are related to themes that are important for the future of Amsterdam and other cities throughout the world, such as greening, circularity, inclusivity and ethical digitalisation.
Climate change will bring more frequent dry spells and more salt water will end up in fresh water. That will make it increasingly difficult to supply a large city like Amsterdam with enough drinking water.
Plastic is a serious problem for the environment. What if the only type of plastic that existed was not only good for the environment, but could also help to restore it?
Cities are increasingly facing challenges that put pressure on sustainability and liveability, such as water and food shortages, a decline in natural habitats, and heat stress to name a few.
Recycling waste flows is essential for a sustainable world. We take our glass bottles to the bottle bank, and recycle our plastic, but there is one waste stream that is not currently fully recycled: our urine. But a new experiment by Cinderela could...
Amsterdam traffic is getting out of control. This leads to congestion and bottlenecks on the capital’s roads, reducing air quality and quality of life in the city. Is autonomous public transport a solution for the city? Olli – a self-driving minibus...
A special type of artificial grass is currently being tested at Marineterrein Amsterdam as a way to keep athletes and the environment cool, thanks to an innovative water collection system under the turf.
Climate change and an increasing number of buildings in cities are putting pressure on trees in urban areas. Yet, it has never been so important to have trees around the city. Trees give us oxygen, shade, a place to cool down, and a pleasant green...
How social and technological innovations can contribute to a healthy and climate-resistant city.