Seeking solutions for urban challenges
On 5 December 2013, the Government of the Netherlands and the City of Amsterdam signed a management agreement aimed at making the Marineterrein an adaptive and innovative city district.
In 2015 the Marineterrein opened its doors to the public. Today a diverse collective of about fifty organisations work at the old naval yard, planning the future of the city. The process of developing the Marineterrein into an inclusive and innovative city district is underway. By experimenting with different solutions for urban challenges, the Marineterrein is making a cutting-edge contribution to a future-proof city.
Bureau Marineterrein
Bureau Marineterrein is an independent project planning office that has been working on the development of the Marineterrein since being tasked to do so by the government and the City of Amsterdam in 2013. The office is responsible for programming activities at the naval yard, use and maintenance of the buildings, selecting tenants, communication, and management of the outdoor space.
Bureau Marineterrein’s additional objectives include making the site suitable for testing solutions for urban challenges as well as publicising them, setting up programmes and projects, strengthening the collective that works at the naval yard, and cooperating with the neighbouring district, area and the municipality to achieve these ambitions and make these activities possible.
Bureau Marineterrein will fulfil this role until the naval yard is sold, after which the situation will change.

Did you know that ships used to be built here? That the South Sea used to splash against the quay? That Vincent van Gogh had a view of the front yard? Explore the interactive timeline here and learn more about the history of the Marineterrein.