Design led entrepreneurship
AgendaWith Heather Corcoran at Kickstarter, and Bob Schiller of Amsterdam's hottest new bike start-up MOKUMONO @Makerversity
Monday October 23rd, 18:00-20:00
Makerversity Lobby, Marineterrein, Building 027E, Kattenburgerstraat 5, 1018 JA Amsterdam (kaart)
With Heather Corcoran at Kickstarter, and Bob Schiller of Amsterdam’s hottest new bike start-up MOKUMONO. The role of the designer is changing, as is the way products are made and distributed. Today, new tools and infrastructures allow individual designers, makers, nonprofits, and startups with bold ideas to fund and deliver products that may not have found support through conventional methods. Crowdfunding is one key part of a confluence of movements that has enabled this change.
In this session, Heather Corcoran of Kickstarter will introduce the idea of the ‘designer-entrepreneur’, and give audiences an insight into Kickstarter as tool for creative independence. She will be joined by Bob Schiller of Mokumono, an award-winning high-quality bike “made by robots”, and brought to life with the help of Kickstarter in 2016.
This event is free to all our members. Want to bring a friend? Tickets are available right here.