2-day course: Sustainable development goals for impact
Are you ready to make a real impact on this world, but don’t know where to start? This course will help you start.
Develop a sustainable mindset by making critical conversations tangible
Are you ready to make a real impact on this world, but don’t know where to start? Let us invite you to start right here, with us.
Learn how to become a ‘critical maker’ by exploring early understanding of societal challenges by actively reflecting towards empathy with the problem at hand. The main focus of critical making is to develop a critical perspective on the current institutions, practices and norms of society, reconnecting materiality and morality.
About Digital Society School
Digital Society School is a learning community connecting design, technology and social innovation. At Digital Society School we invite you to direct your interests, knowledge and effort towards building a digital society. Because we believe that it can -and should- be inclusive, intelligent, and involve us all.
Click here to learn more about this course
November 12 – november 13
November 14 – november 15
January 7 – January 8
January 9 – January 10