Learning to build a sustainable future

What does it take to build a sustainable and future-proof city? The ‘Innovation Pavilion’ project at the Marineterrein connects the City of Amsterdam with innovative companies to test new opportunities for more sustainable construction. Inside the pavilion, researchers are experimenting with bio-based materials, among others.
Bio-based materials are construction materials made from fungi, plants, bacteria and animal products. These resources are produced, harvested and used in an ecologically responsible manner. Importantly, because they are also reusable, there is no need to grow them again. This is also known as circular use.
Bio-based construction materials would be valuable to the city because the production of most regular construction materials produces considerable amounts of CO₂ and nitrogen. We are committed to reducing these emissions. Bio-based construction materials usually absorb CO₂, which is then effectively stored during the crop’s growth process. The CO₂ is not released anew because these materials can be reused.
Bio-based homes are also comfortable to live in: their natural regulation of temperature and humidity is healthy. Bio-based materials also benefit biodiversity and the production of these resources provides many earning opportunities for farmers. In short, experimenting with bio-based construction materials is extremely attractive!
Vanaf januari 2024 worden er maandelijks rondleidingen georganiseerd bij het Innovatie Paviljoen. Het paviljoen gaat dan open, en ook krijg je uitleg over de innovatieve materialen en de proef zelf.
De rondleidingen zijn elke derde donderdag van de maand om 16:00. Verzamelen bij het paviljoen op het Marineterrein. Het is het nodig om je aan te melden om deel te nemen. Indien er te weinig aanmeldingen zijn gaat de rondleiding niet door.
Meld je aan door een mail te sturen naar: innovatiepaviljoen.deni@amsterdam.nl
The pavilion is made from a combination of new bio-based materials that are still in development and materials that are already on the market. The project offers producers the chance to test their bio-based product in combination with solutions made by other producers in a single facade system.
The south-east side of the pavilion has a removable, bio-based facade system. Testers on this side are using wood, insulation made from chalk hemp and panels made from agricultural fibres and seaweed. These materials effectively replace products like cement and plaster which are used in many homes. The bio-based materials create a good indoor climate through natural ventilation and, moreover, they are easy to put together and take apart. This is called a modular system.
The facade system on the north-west side is partly composed of bio-based materials. At this site we are testing parts made from, among others, reed fibre and wood. The insulation on this side is made of flax. The facade is noteworthy because it provides habitats for birds and insects: it contains holes that provide access to nesting areas and insect houses.
The green roof is also modular. This roof system can transform an ordinary grey roof into a light-weight green roof with solar panels or other sustainable installations like heat pumps. The green roof cools homes, increases solar panel yields and is part of the city’s ecosystem.
The Innovation Pavilion is an initiative of the City of Amsterdam. Since September 2023, the pavilion has been a feature of the west side of the Marineterrein, where it has a view of the National Maritime Museum and NEMO Science Museum. Producers in the Innovation Pavilion are conducting experiments to research new solutions for bio-based, modular and circular construction. The producers can start small here, demonstrating what is possible as a precursor to scaling up. The pilots currently underway in the 6 m x 6 m building last a year.
Momenteel wordt de basis van het paviljoen gebouwd, vanaf half september worden de verschillende materialen getest.
These companies and organizations are involved in this experiment
Strengthening technical and social innovations that contribute to a liveable, sustainable and safe city for citizens of today and tomorrow.
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