Online | IoT Sensemakers Meetup: Deep fakes in a Connected Society

fake or fact

Every third Wednesday of the month, an IoT Sensemakers meetup takes place with presentations, open mic and discussions about IoT-related subjects.


  • 18.30: walk-in online
  • 19.00: Manon den Dunnen (strategic specialist digital transformation, Dutch Police Force) on the connected society and deep fakes
  • 19.30: TBA on his research into deep fakes and disinformation
  • 20.00: Open mic; share your own story, project, question
  • 20.30: end

Attend online

About IoT Sensemakers

Every third Wednesday of the month, an IoT Sensemakers meetups takes place with presentations, open mic and discussions about IoT-related subjects. Everybody is welcome: technical or non-technical people: you can join the online meetup. IoT Sensemakers hope to meet you in real life at one of their regular meetups when the covid-pandemic is under control.

IoT Sensemaker events:

  • First Wednesday of the month: DIY hands-on at the Makerspace in OBA
  • Third Wednesday of the month: Sharing knowledge, ideas & connecting people
  • Random: Specials (hands-on workshops), excursions or whatever comes up:-)

IoT Sensemakers meetups
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