Lunchlezing Postgrowth Cities and Innovation

Gebouw 027 S
Gebouw 027 S

Gemeente Amsterdam organiseert tweewekelijkse lunchlezingen op het Marineterrein (Afdeling Innovatie, 027S - garage). Hierdoor houden we elkaar op de hoogte en kunnen we hulpvragen en/of uitdagingen met elkaar bespreken. Om 11:45 uur zijn er broodjes en om 12:15 uur begint de lunchlezing. Die duurt max. 45 min. inclusief een Q&A.

Postgrowth cities and innovation; a scientific introduction by Federico Savini (Associate Professor University of Amsterdam).

De lunchlezing zal in het Engels zijn.

For the Dutch Advisory board for Science, Technology and Innovation (Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie (AWTI)) innovation means transition/transformation. For the Social Economic Board (SER) is, in their recent vision “Wellbeing in 2040”, innovation is a most critical  economic driver in a new economy

How can a city like Amsterdam (and other European cities) develop and innovate within planetary boundaries? During his presentation, Federico Savini (UvA) will discuss alternative structures for urban development and the requirements for these changes. How can values such as circularity, commons or true price be accomplished in developing the city of tomorrow by the use of the Degrowth/postgrowth theory? Federico will discuss the new approaches, policies, institutions needed radically reimagining how use urban space.

Federico Savini is Associate Professor in Environmental Planning, Institutions and Politics at the University of Amsterdam. He combines approaches of political sociology, urban planning and critical geography to the study of institutions and socio-spatial change in cities. In his works, he studies the politics that drive institutional change, focusing on the different sets of regulations that shape the working of city-regions and their ecological impact on the planet. With his expertise on the study of regulatory frameworks and institutional dynamics, he grasps the pathways towards a form of urbanization that thrives within planetary boundaries. He uses a degrowth perspective on spatal planning. He is currently coordinating an international ERC-Funded project on urbanization, degrowth and the circular economy. He is founder and coordinator of the Postgrowth Cities Coalition. He is part of the community of de-growth scholars in Europe and The Netherlands. He is coordinator and curator of the Masterstudio Future Cities.

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