[WeMakeThe.City] Urban Living Lab Summit


Experts and practitioners present their knowledge and activate the participants in co-creative workshops, showing and experiencing if and how to use Living labs for solving urban challenges.

Vrijdag 21 juni 09.30 – 16.30
Marineterrein Amsterdam: Kattenburgerstraat 7, gebouw 027 W, 1018 JA Amsterdam

Transitioning to a sustainable, just, and stable society is necessary, on an unprecedented scale and speed. In many innovation projects, scientific programs and municipal organizations, (urban) living labs are achieving good results. But are these Labs well understood and well implemented? Are they solving the problems better, cheaper, more sustainable? What are actionable prescriptions? Groups around the world are developing similar methods. In this first edition of the Urban Living Lab Summit we take a deep dive into one specific methodology: the AMS Urban Living Lab ‘Way of Working’. We offer an interactive program with a limited amount of presentations, and mainly in co-creative workshops, also showing the development of the Amsterdam Marineterrein as test area.

For more info and tickets visit AMS Institute.